Regulations for Spodsbjerg Tourist harbor
1) Sublet or transfer of a space for others is not allowed. (permanent rental).
Leaving a space for more than 24 hours. MUST BE NOTIFIED to the harbor master, who then has the right to use the space as a guest space. Where space abandoned for more than 24 hours, take moorings with. Be sure to notify in good time, when space is used again. Fee for non-cancellation 100,-kr. per. time. Use of nails and screws in piles and bridges is not allowed, this is nevertheless allowed for rental boats in consultation with the harbor master. When the vessel is taken up for the winter, remove all ropes and weights
2) Deck-wash in fresh water, is not permitted.
This could be authorized by picking up / careening
3) 15 June to 15 August
Because our berths are very broad, reserve the harbor master the right, during the above period to bring together for example. 3 ships in 2 places. Ship calls outside long-lying boats are allowed.
4) Water
There will be no water on the bridges from: first weekend in November, to the first weekend in March.
5) Waste Container
Only for kabysaffald from ships! Any other use will lead to demands for payment for emptying of the container. Police report will be done, if the requirement is not complied.
6) Barbecue spot
Grill pitches, available at the harbor, can be used by visiting sailors and others. It is not allowed to barbecue on the bridges.
7) Fish waste
Disposing of fish waste in the harbor, and at the harbor are not allowed. Refer to the rules for the fish rooms. (For Tourists harbor guests only.) Rules of Conduct for fish rooms is available at the port office. Passwords and Admission cards must not be loaned to other than the port guests. Violations result in a fine or expulsion, see item 14
8) Use of angler facility
1) You may only filleted gutted fish. Entrails removed, and the head be cut of the fish before arriving in the harbor.
2) Clean up after yourself.
3) Fish waste are included and is thrown overboard 200 meters from the coast. Are not you going out more, then please ask the harbor master.
4)Please close the windows when you are the last man to leave the room. The door must always be kept closed.
9) Parking
Parking & driving on the harbor lawns and sidewalks is not permitted without port Officer's permission. Placing the trailer on the grass nevertheless allowed if the trailer is not locked. (Only allowed on the day of the use of the slipway.) Parking is reserved for Tourist harbor guests. Others pay fee for parking over 2 hours. There are also paid fees for the use of 2 Spaces. When parking on the slipway & the yellow stripes, be removed the car of FALCK, the owner's expense.
10) Camping
Overnight at the parking lot of the period 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. prohibited. Please refer to the area campgrounds.
11) Dogs
Dogs must be kept on a lead in the port area. The dog's owner is obliged to remove any droppings from the dog.
12) Ports sailing
Sailing in the harbor must be slow. Generation of unnecessarily turmoil in the harbor would incur a fine or expulsion, see paragraph 14
13) Closure of facilities.
Harbor facilities will be closed in the period ca. 15th november - 15th March. (Public toilet, however, from December 29 to March 1.) Use of the slipway is at own risk. Winter care will not be performed during the period.
14) Whereas in addition the, "Standard Regulations for Danish Yachting Harbours and Small Fishing Ports".
A copy of this is available at the port office. Infringement of the harbor rules and regulations, and rules for using waste container fee is charged, as set by the Board.
January 2007 Board of Spodsbjerg Tourist boat harbor
Infringement of the harbor rules and regulations, and rules for using waste container fee is charged, as set by the Board.
Regulations for Spodsbjerg Tourist harbor
Standard Regulations for Danish Yachting Harbours and Small Fishing Ports
Harbour area:
The harbour sea area enclosed by the outer harbour pier, and a line between the harbourlights.
The harbour consist of a harbour basin and a swinging basin (outer harbour).

1. General provisions
1.1 The master of any vessel navigating the harbour and the other users of the harbour are obliged to familiarise themselves with the contents of these Regulations, which may be obtained from the port authority free of charge.
1.2 The port authority shall ensure that law and order is maintained within the harbour limits.
1.3 The police, the local rescue service, the Fisheries Control and other authorities perform various tasks within the harbour in pursuance of the general rules of law and may use slipways as the need arises.
1.4 When on duty, port authority staff shall dress in uniform or wear a peaked cap, but shall otherwise provide evidence of their identity upon request.
2. Rules for anchoring, navigation, mooring etc.
2.1 No vessel shall anchor within the territorial waters of the harbour except in an extreme emergency or with the express permission of the port authority.
2.2 Vessels that have been granted permission to anchor outside the outer harbour, but within the territorial waters of the harbour, must display the prescribed signals (NUC day signals or anchor light).
2.3 Where, in the view of the port authority, a vessel anchoring within the territorial waters of the harbour is deemed to obstruct the clear and safe passage of other craft, the port authority may demand that the vessel be moved. If the vessel is not moved within the time-limit set by the port authority, the port authority may have the vessel moved at the owner's own risk.
2.4 Navigation within the harbour is subject to the regulations pertaining to navigation etc. in certain Danish waters issued by the Danish Maritime Authority from time to time and any special rules contained in the individual part of the byelaws.
2.5 When navigating the harbour vessels must be navigated at speeds that do not exceed the speed limits posted, or in the absence of such speed limits, at a speed that is so low as not to cause discomfort to others. Manoeuvring must be done in such a manner as not to cause damage to the harbour.
2.6 Other than for the necessary shifting for "loading/unloading", repairs, refuelling etc. permanently moored vessels must only dock in the (allocated) berths.
2.7 Visiting vessels must report to the port authority at their earliest convenience. The visitor shall shift to another berth at the request of the port authority or if the berth is requested by another vessel who has been allocated the said berth.
2.8 Where the visitor fails to comply with the order, the port authority may have the vessel moved at the owner's own risk.
2.9 All vessels using the harbour are obliged to use moorings and fenders that have been adapted to the size of the vessel and that will keep the vessel within the berth allocated under any conditions.
2.10 No vessel must be tied to anchors or hawsers which obstruct the fairway in the harbour, wholly or in part, except with the permission of the port authority, and hawsers must be veered to give a wide berth to other vessels upon request.
2.11 When the vessel is lying in port the owner of the vessel has an unconditional obligation to inspect his vessel at regular intervals, and he shall ensure that it has been emptied, that it is well moored and protected by fenders on both sides, and when laying up the vessel, the owner has an unconditional obligation to ensure that the vessel is properly shored up and that any cover is made fast.
2.12 If, due to lack of space, it becomes necessary for several vessels to lie alongside each other, the vessels that are moored closest to the quayside shall allow the crew of the vessels on the outside free and unimpeded access. The crew from the vessels moored on the outside shall endeavour to pass via the foredeck of the innermost vessels.
2.13 Dinghies and similar craft must be placed by the vessel in such a manner that no inconvenience is caused to other vessels.
2.14 Moored vessels shall tie down rakes and similar equipment in such a manner that it does not needlessly rattle against the mast.
2.15 No vessel must be laid up in the harbour or ashore without the prior permission of the port authority. Where such permission is granted, it would contain the necessary practical guidelines, conditions of financial security, observance of time-limits, duty to inspect etc.
2.16 The port authority may demand that abandoned, sunken or shipwrecked vessels are removed within a time-limit set by the port authority. Where the order to move the vessel is not complied with, the port authority may have the vessel removed and sold for the account of the owner, after having set a new time-limit. Where possible, the port shall notify the owner prior to the sale. The proceeds from the sale may be applied to reimburse the port authority for its expenses, wholly or in part. In the event that an independent surveyor has declared the vessel to be worthless, or that its value does not exceed the estimated costs of sale, the port authority may remove the vessel upon written notice to the owner. In the event that the owner or the whereabouts of the owner are unknown to the port authority, notice may instead be given by posting a notice on the vessel and by advertising in a local daily or weekly journal. Notwithstanding such sale or removal the owner shall reimburse the port authority its costs in full.
2.17 No wrecks must be brought into the harbour without the express permission of the port authority. Wrecks shall lie in the harbour at the owner's own risk in every respect.
3. Salvaging, repairs, fuel etc.
3.1 Launching/refloating must only be undertaken at the quaysides, ramps and similar places allocated by the port authority.
3.2 Immediately after the launch/refloating the owner of the vessel shall clear the quayside and shore berth of sheers, boat carts, supports and other equipment.
3.3 Vessels, boat carts and masts etc. must only be placed in the areas designated for this purpose by the port authority.
3.4 Vessels, boat carts etc. that are left within the harbour area or that lie in the basin without permission may be removed by the port authority at the owner's own risk.
3.5 Petrol must not be kept in vessels ashore. Tanks must be discharged and scavenged. Motor fuel, lubricating oil and bottled gas must o stored in the harbour with the consent of the fire authorities.
3.6 When refuelling every precaution must be taken to prevent ignition onboard the vessel or on the quayside.
4. Various environmental rules and regulations
4.1 It is prohibited to dump refuse of any kind whatsoever into the harbour or sea. Refuse must be deposited in the skips placed within the harbour area.
4.2 Environmentally hazardous waste such as waste oil, paint leftovers, thinner, old oil filters and batteries must not be deposited in or around the ordinary refuse skips, but must be deposited in the special receptacles designated for this purpose.
4.3 Repair or similar works on vessels which lie in the harbour must be carried out in accordance with the applicable environmental regulations and rules pertaining to the working environment. Treated waste must be collected and disposed of in accordance with the applicable provisions in such a manner that the port authority will not have to deal with dredging, environmental hazards or a loss of oxygen.
4.4 Pumping out marine toilets or emptying holding / septic tanks within the harbour is prohibited. Users are referred to the toilets and reception facilities provided in the harbour area.
4.5 Waste oily water must not be discharged into the harbour. The water must be pumped up and discharged into the special receptacles provided in the harbour area, labelled "waste oil" or "oily bilge-water.
4.6 Vessels that have been coated with biocide-containing bottom paint must only be cleaned in the areas specially designated for washing.
4.7 The following activities require the prior consent of the port authority:
a) Letting off fireworks. Special firework displays require the additional permission of the police.
b) Open fires, including barbecues onboard the vessel and within the harbour area, outside the designated barbecue areas.
c) Fishing.
d) Water skiing, sailing races, using surfboards, water scooters and similar gear.
e) Bathing and diving from ships or quays.
f) Depositing of house boats.
g) Pitching tents and setting up caravans.
4.8 The port authority may give directions concerning traffic within the harbour area.
4.9 No caravans or boat trailers may be parked outside the designated parking lots.
4.10 The port authority must be notified of anything that is found, raised or salvaged within the harbour immediately.
5. Harbour supervision, liability and sanctions
5.1 Any person who is within the harbour area shall comply with the directions and orders of the port authority, including the order to leave the harbour. If the owner of a vessel or other user of the harbour fails to comply with these Regulations or with the directions of the port authority within the time-frame deemed necessary by the authority, the said authority shall be entitled to take the necessary steps to ensure compliance. The owner shall not be entitled to compensation for any damage done to the vessel with any gear or other objects in this connection. The owner shall be liable to repay any costs incurred in the operation.
5.2 Any person who considers himself aggrieved by the port authority may raise a claim before the Harbour Board, but the directions must be obeyed in any case.
5.3 The owner of a vessel is liable for any damage (including damage to property, persons and consequential damage) which has been caused by errors or omissions on the part of the owner of the vessel or other members of the crew. The liability applies to damage which has been directly or indirectly caused in connection with a call at, stay in, use of or departure from the port.
5.4 The port authority shall be liable for damage to the vessel or injuries to its crew where such damage or injuries have been caused by errors or omissions on the part of the port authority.
5.5 Unless a more severe penalty is due pursuant to other legislation, violation of sub-sections 2.1-2.2, 2.5-2.7, 2.9-2.15, 2.17, 3.1, 3.5-3.6, 4.1-4.9 and 5.1, first paragraph, is punishable with a fine.
This is a translation made for The Danish Association of Yachting Harbours (FLID) of the Standardreglement for overholdelse af orden I danske lystbådehavne og mindre fiskerihavne, issued by the Danish Authorities Kystdirektoratet on the 15th of April, 2002.